White Hat SEO,Black Hat SEO and Gray Hat SEO ?

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White Hat SEO,Black Hat SEO and Gray Hat SEO ?

White Hat SEO :

whitehatseo digitalpathsala

1)It is considered as ethical and organic seo.

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2)We follow all guide lines of search engine.

seoguide digitalpathsala

3)It is a slow process but long lasting for growth in ranking.

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E.g. – don’t deceive your users,make your website unique,valuable and engaging,write high quality and helpful content,increase page loading speed,improve user experience etc.

Black Hat SEO :

blackhatseo digitalpathsala

1)It is considered as unethical seo.

2)We don’t follow the guide lines of search engine.

3)It is a fast process but short lasting for growth in ranking.

E.g. – automatically generated content,creating pages with duplicate content,hidden text or link,keyword stuffing etc.

Gray Hat SEO :

1)It is the combination of white hat seo and black hat seo.

grayhatseo digitalpathsala

2)White hat seo 95% and black hat seo 5%.

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