Digital Marketing Tutorial

Internal Links,External Links,Page Loading Speed,Image Optimization and Video Optimization ?

Internal Links,External Links,Page Loading Speed,Image Optimization and Video Optimization ? Internal Links & External Links ? Internal Links –   These are the links that points to content within the same domain or website. When bots or spiders of search engine find our website then they follow the links to discover additional pages.In this way Internal

Internal Links,External Links,Page Loading Speed,Image Optimization and Video Optimization ? Read More »

Top 10 differences between Traditional Marketing and Digital Marketing

Top 10 differences between Traditional Marketing and Digital Marketing Traditional Marketing 1)It is easy to reachout to local customer with traditional marketing methods. 2)The physical presence of marketer is required in traditional marketing. 3)It is difficult to reach finite numbers of customers by traditional marketing. 4)There is need of hard copy of products or services

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What is WWW,URL,HTTP,HTTPS,SSL,Domain and Hosting?

What is WWW,URL,HTTP,HTTPS,SSL,Domain and Hosting? WWW – It stands for World Wide Web.It is the collection of websites or webpages that are stored in webservers contain text pages,images,videos etc. URL – It means Uniform Resource Locator.It is the address or location of any specific website,pages,videos etc. Example of URL-  which is an address of

What is WWW,URL,HTTP,HTTPS,SSL,Domain and Hosting? Read More »

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