Table of Contents
Top 10 differences between Traditional Marketing and Digital Marketing
Traditional Marketing

1)It is easy to reachout to local customer with traditional marketing methods.
2)The physical presence of marketer is required in traditional marketing.
3)It is difficult to reach finite numbers of customers by traditional marketing.
4)There is need of hard copy of products or services description which we have to read again and again.

5)It is expensive as It involves printing,radio advertising,TV advertising etc.
6)Here,It is difficult to analyse our performance to give better result.

7)It involves one way communication.

8)ROI(return on investment) is low.
9)Ads are static and unchangeable.
10)It includes Tv advertising,radio advertising,print advertising(magazines,newspapers),hoardings ,door to door marketing etc.
Digital Marketing

1)Digital marketing lets you to reach focused customers/client from everywhere throughout the world.
2)The physical presence of marketer is not required in digital marketing.
3)It is very easy to reach finite numbers of customers by digital marketing.
4)There is need of soft copy over the website,applications,videos,audio,pdf which can be accessed anytime from anywhere throughout the world as per customer’s requirement.

5)It is cheaper than traditional marketing as everything is online.
6)Here,It is very easy to analyse our performance even we can check real time performance.

7)It involves two way communication and helps to satisfy the customer.

8)ROI(return on investment) is high.
9)Ads are dynamic and can be changed anytime from anywhere.
10)It includes – websites,social sites like facebook,instagram,twitter,linkedin ,content marketing,video marketing,banner ads,google ads etc.