What is Search Engine & SERP and How search engine works ?

   What is Search Engine ?

  • Search engine is a website or software system through which users can search the internet content. E.g. – Google,Bing,Yahoo etc.

     What is SERP ?

  • It is known as Search Engine Result Page.
  • These are the webpages that served by search engine such as Google,Bing,Yahoo etc when any user search for something.


  • It contain two types of result –

  1. Organic result –  It is unpaid result and follows the search engine’s algorithm.

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            2. In-organic result –  It is paid result and                      appear above and to the right of                                           organic result.

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How Search Engine works?

1)Crawling – It is a searching process in which search engines send out a team of Robots(Crawlers or Spiders) to find new and updated content.Content can be a webpage,text,images,videos,pdf etc.

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2)Indexing – After crawling,indexing takes place.It is a process of adding webpages in Google search or Search engine.

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3)Ranking – It defines the website position in the search engine results page.It depends on factors like number of backlinks,sitemap,internal linking,page load time,URL structure,meta title,meta description etc.


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