Top 10 books to clear IAS preliminary exams in 2021

1. India After Gandhi: The History of the World's Largest Democracy

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[product id = "6287"]

2. Indian Polity (Bharat ki Rajyavyavastha) Cover by M. Laxmikant

[product id = "2011"]
[product id = "6281"]

4. Indian Art and Culture by Nitin Singhania

[product id = "6289"]
[product id = "6334"]

5. Introduction to the Constitution of India by D.D.Basu

[product id = "6292"]
[product id = "6342"]

6. India's Struggle for Independence: 1857-1947 by Bipin Chandra

[product id = "6294"]
[product id = "6331"]

7. Current Affairs

[product id = "6300"]
[product id = "6304"]

8. A Brief History of Modern India

[product id = "6311"]
[product id = "6313"]

9. Geography of india by Majid Husain

[product id = "6315"]
[product id = "6317"]

10. Indian Economy by Ramesh singh

[product id = "1998"]
[product id = "2055"]
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