light digitalpathsala

Science Facts – “Light”

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Science Facts – “Light”

light digitalpathsala

1) Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation of a wavelength which can be detected by human eyes.

2) The speed of light is 3×108 m/s.

3) There are different types of light and all has its own wavelength.

4) Sunlight can be seen from 80 meters underwater also.

sunlight digitalpathsala

5) Some animals can see the wavelength of light which can’t be seen by human like Goldfish can see infrared radiation.

goldfish digitalpathsala

6) The main source of light on Earth is Sun.

sun digitalpathsala

7) Light from Sun takes 8 minutes to reach on Earth.

8) Light has no mass.

9) Photography means “writing with light“.

10) Nothing in universe can travel faster than light.

11) Light is now used for everything from medical surgery to telephone technology.

12) Light travels in a straight line.

13) Every colour of light has different wavelength.

14) Red light has the longest wavelength and violet (purple) light has the shortest wavelength.

15) When light is refracted in raindrops then a rainbow is formed.

rainbow digitalpathsala

16) Computer screens use only red,green and blue colors in different brightness levels.

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